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SLAFER, Gustavo Ariel
发布时间:2012-11-04 来源:

\SLAFER, Gustavo Ariel ·Research Professor of Catalonian Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)
·Associate Professor, University of Lleida, Spain
·Honorary Professor, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, U.K.
·Associate Editor of Euphytica and Crop Science
·Member of the Editorial Board of Field Crops Research and European Journal of Agronomy
Cossani, C.M., Slafer, G.A. & Savin, R. 2011. Do barley and wheat (bread and durum) differ in grain weight stability through seasons and water-nitrogen treatments in a Mediterranean location? Field Crops Research, 121:240–247.
Abeledo, L.G., Calderini, D.F. & Slafer, G.A. 2011. Modelling yield response of a traditional and a modern barley cultivar to different water and nitrogen levels in two contrasting soil types. Crop & Pasture Science (formerly Australian Journal of Agricultural Research), 62:289–298.
Acreche, M. & Slafer, G.A. 2011. Lodging yield penalties as affected by breeding in Mediterranean wheats. Field Crops Research, 122: 40–48.
Pedro, A., Savin, R., Habash, D.Z. & Slafer, G.A. 2011. Physiological attributes associated with yield and stability in selected lines of a durum wheat population. Euphytica, 180: 195-208.
Cossani, C.M., Thabet, C., Mellouli, H.J. & Slafer, G.A. 2011. Improving wheat yields through N fertilization in Mediterranean Tunisia. Experimental Agriculture, 47:459–475.
González, F.G., Miralles, D.J. & Slafer, G.A. 2011. Wheat floret survival as related to pre-anthesis spike growth. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62:4889-4901.
Sadras, V.O. & Slafer, G.A. 2012. Environmental modulation of yield components in cereals: heritabilities reveal a hierarchy of phenotypic plasticities. Field Crops Research, 127:215-224.
Cossani, C.M., Slafer, G.A. & Savin, R. 2012. Nitrogen and water use efficiencies of wheat and barley under a Mediterranean environment in Catalonia. Field Crops Research, 128:109-118.
Estrada-Campuzano, G., Miralles, D.J. & Slafer, G.A. 2012. Differences in yield, biomass and their components between triticale and wheat grown under contrasting water and nitrogen environments. Field Crops Research, 128:167-179.

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