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作者:         发布日期:2015-11-11     


International union of Forest Research Organizations



Forest Research Management, unit 6.06.00

April 18-21, 2007

Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington, Virginia


Forest Research Organizations in an Era of Globalization


Final Program

Mission Statement


The mission of IUFRO Research Group 6.06.00 “Managing Forest Research” is to deal with the management of scientific activities in the field of forest research taking into consideration different types of forest research institutions, such as:

·    Academic organisations (universities, academies)

·    National research organisations (national/state research institutes)

·    Industrial research institutions

·    International organisations.

The group is an open forum for leaders, managers and experts in managing forest research from all continents and IUFRO member organisations.

Forest Research Management in an Era of Globalization Agenda


Tuesday, 17 April 2007


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm      Early Registration                  North Ballroom Foyer

                                (Set up Posters in the Stars Room)


Wednesday, 18 April 2007


7:30 am Registration/Continental Breakfast-------North  Ballroom Foyer

8:30 am Plenary Session, North Ballroom


Moderator:  Peter Mayer, IUFRO Executive Director, Austria


Opening: Don Lee, IUFRO President, Department of Forest Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea


Introduction and Conference Rationale: Ann M. Bartuska, Deputy Chief of Research & Development, USDA-FS Forest Service, USA


Konstantin von Teuffel, Professor, Forest Research, Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany                                                         


9:15 – 10:15 am Keynote speakers


Abigail Kimbell, Chief, USDA- Forest Service, USA


Frances Seymour, Director General, Center For International Forest Research (CIFOR), Indonesia


10:15 Morning Refreshments

10:45 Plenary Session, North Ballroom


Presentation of Survey Results: Konstantin von Teuffel, Professor, Forest Research, Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany


US Agenda 2020: Lori Perine, Executive Director, Policy Analysis and Research, and Agenda 2020 Technology Allegiance, USA


The European Forest Based Sector Technology Platform: Dr. Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, Forest Based Sector Technology Platform (FTP)


1200 – 1330 Luncheon Speaker, Galaxy Ballroom


“The payment of environmental services for forests management in an era of globalization”.  


Carlos Manuel Rodriquez, Vice President, Conservation International, Costa Rico 


Parallel Sessions

 Setting the Agenda


Moderator:  Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel

                    Baden-Wuerttemberg Forest Research Institute


Rapporteurs:  Randy Tanner, University of Montana


                       Dana Roth, PhD

                       USDAForest Service, International Programs



Chris Bernabo, USA

Director, Center for Science Solutions

National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)

Outlook Dialog:  Identifying Science Responses to Anticipate Decision Makers’ Future Needs


Dr. Dennis Kayambazinthu, Malawi


Forestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM)

Repositioning forest research management in an era of globalization and limited resources in Malawi


Gonzalo Paredes, Chile

Forest Engineer, PhD

Austral University of Chile

Research and Innovation challenges at Universities and forest research institutions


Afternoon Refreshments


Niels Elers Koch, Danish

IUFRO Vice President

Director General, Professor, PhD

Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning

University of Copenhagen

Setting the Agenda in Nordic Forest Research in an Era of Globalization


Dr. Joe Cobbihah, Ghana


Forestry Research Institute of Ghana

Forest Sector Challenges:  The Priority Setting Process in Ghana


Dr. S.S. Negi, India


Forest Research Institute

Planning and Managing Forestry Research-Experiences and Approaches in the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India


Parallel Sessions


Funding and Finance



Rapporteurs:  Diana Jerkins, CREES

                       Student from Duke                        


Ian de la Roche, Canada

President and Chief Executive Officer


Renewal of the Canadian Forest Industry through Innovation


Florence T Acay, Philippines

College of Forestry and Environmental Managemen Isabela State University

Stakeholder Convergence Modality:  the Rallying Point for Multi-Sectoral R&D Partnership in Upland Resource and Development Center


Bryan Finegan, Costa Rica

Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research  (CATIE)


Sustaining funding for research on conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity in tropical America:  the experience of the Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE)


Afternoon Refreshments


Risto Päivinen, Finland

EFI and Forest Research Management


Guiseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, Italy

Efficiency of Managing Forest Research, Contribution from Italy


Paul Knouche, Kenya

Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)



Ensuring quality and efficiency



Rapporteurs:  Amanda Cundiff, Presidential Fellow

                       Duke University  Student            


Andris Kleinhof, Russia



Richard Guldin, USA



Osvaldo Blanco, Venezuela



Afternoon Refreshments


Malin  von Essen and Jan Fryk, Sweden


Knowledge management as means to ensure quality, efficiency and relevance


Harald Mauser, BFW, Austria



Jean-Marc Guehl, INRA, France



Speakers’ Corner and Social


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm  Poster Session Stars/Galaxy Ballroom 


Setting the Agenda


Olga Martha Corrales, Costa Rica

General Manager


Partnering with Stakeholders at the Landscape Scale:  Model Forests

Debbie Dumroese, et al.

 USDA Forest Service

Incorporating Forest Soil Research into Forest Management Plans

Pauline Spaine, USA

William Otrosina, USA

Southern Research Station

USDA Forest Service

International Forest Ecosystems-Shared Threats and Responsibilities


Ensuring efficiency and Equality


Jose Joaquin Campos Arce, Bastiaan Louman, Glenn Galloway, Roger Villalobos, Costa Rica


Research within a changing environment

The case of the Diversified Forest Management Chair of CATIE, Costa Rica

Edilberto E. Nasayao, Phillipines

Ecosystems Research and Development Service

Finding A Niche In the Global Quest For Research Quality and Efficiency:  The Case Of Rural-based Forest Research Institution

Kwang Soo CHUNG, PhD, South Korea

Korea Forest Research Institute

Improving competitiveness Through Performance-oriented Researrch Management Using Integral Information System


7:00 pm  


Ann Bartuska

Konstantin von Teuffel


Recognition of  Conference Sponsors


Recognition of Conference Planning Committees


Wednesday, 19 April 2007


8:30 am                   Plenary Session                                    North Ballroom


Moderator/Opening:  Jan Fryk, Sweden


8:45 am – 10:15 am Keynote speakers


Shirong LIU, Vice President and Forest Ecology Professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China


Jan Heino, FAO


Robert Watson, World Bank


10:15 Morning Refreshments


Parellel Sessions


Setting the Agenda


Moderator:  Prof. Dr.Marc Hanewinkel

Rapporteurs:  Randy Tanner, University of Montana

                       Dana Roth, USFS-International Programs                                             


Perry Brown, USA et al.

University of Montana, Coordinator of IUFRO Division 6

Redefining the Future of Forest Research-The NAUFRP Prespective


Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz, Poland

Warsaw Agricultural University

Faculty of Forestry

Emerging forests research needs in Poland


Anura Sathurusinghe, Sri Lanka

Head-Research & Education Division

Conservator of Forests

Development of Forest Research Strategies and prioritization of Research Objectives-A Sri Lankan Case Study


Funding and Finance


Rapporteurs:  Diana Jerkins, CSREES

                       Duke Student


Joyce Berry, USA



Arne Bardalen, Norway



Ensuring quality and efficiency



Rapporteurs:  Duke University

                       George Mason


Benno Pokorny and James Johnson, Germany

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Forest Research in development contexts:  The concept of accountable research





Professor Hannu Raitio, Austria

Director General

Finnish Forest Research Institute, Metla

Balanced Success Strategy in the Management and Leadership Metla


1215 – 1330 Luncheon Speaker, Galaxy Ballroom


Jim Lynch, Chief Executive, Forest Research at Alice Holt Lodge, United Kingdom


13:30 pm Plenary Session, North Ballroom


Moderator:  Ann Bartuska, USFS- Deputy Chief of Research & Development, USA


Synthesis of the Parallel Sessions, Rapporteurs

              Setting the Agenda

              Funding and Finance

              Ensuring quality and efficiency


1430 Reflecting on major highlights of the Conference


Ann M. Bartuska                                    Konstantin von Teuffel

USFS Forest Service                              Professor, Forest Research              

Deputy Chief of R&D                            Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg

USA                                                       Germany


1500 Afternoon Refreshments