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Application of Mechanization, Automation and Biotech for US Agriculture
发布时间:2011-11-02 来源:

Ashok Alva
Agricultural Research Service, USDA

This presentation will include state of the art developments in the following broad areas with specific case studies: (i) application of genomics to improve the precision and speed of crop improvement to enhance crop tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, including crop tolerance to water, heat, and salinity stresses; (ii) new technologies to develop crop varieties with improved nutrition and phytonutrients, which helps to provide specific health benefits in addition to providing the dietary needs; (iii) developments in mechanization and automation for agricultural practices, including tillage, planting, spraying, irrigation, and harvesting; (iv) application of remote sensing for monitoring crop canopy for various stresses and soil for various properties. This paper is aimed to briefly expose the audience to the new technology, and lead them to explore more information on the specific technology of their interest. 

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