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Ultrasensitive Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for Food Safety
发布时间:2011-11-02 来源:

Jianlong Wang
College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University 

In the last decade surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors have been receiving increasing attention because of their unique advantages. Great strides have been made both in terms of technology and its applications. SPR biosensors have become a central tool for study of molecular interactions and have been widely used for detection of chemical and biological analytes. Food analysis belongs to major areas of potential applications of SPR biosensors because most of chemical and biological analytes occurre as food ingredient, SPR may respond to the need for rapid screening methods to improve food safety. Therefore, numerous SPR biosensors for detection of analytes implicated in food safety, such as pathogens, toxins, drug residues, vitamins, hormones, chemical contaminants, allergens and so on have been developed. This presentation introduces the basic principle of SPR, and the recent developments in the field of SPR biosensors for food safety, in particular, for detection of foodborne pathogens and toxins.

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