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Epigenetic Genome Mining of an Endophytic Fungus Leads to the Pleiotropic Biosynthesis of Natural Products

Youcai Hu

The small-molecule biosynthetic potential of most filamentous fungi has remained largely unexplored and represents an attractive source for the discovery of new compounds. Genome sequencing of Calcarisporium arbuscula, a mushroom-endophytic fungus, revealed 68 core genes  that  are involved  in  natural  product  biosynthesis.  This  is  in sharp  contrast  to  the predominant production of the ATPase inhibitors aurovertin B and D in the wild-type fungus. Inactivation of a histone H3 deacetylase led to pleiotropic activation and overexpression of more than 75% of the biosynthetic genes. Sampling of the overproduced compounds led to the isolation of ten compounds of which four contained new structures, including the cyclic peptides arbumycin and arbumelin, the diterpenoid arbuscullic acid A, and the meroterpenoid arbuscullic  acid  B.  Such  epigenetic  modifications  therefore  provide  a  rapid  and  global approach to mine the chemical diversity of endophytic fungi.

Epigenetic Genome Mining of an Endophytic Fungus Leads to the Pleiotropic Biosynthesis of Natural Products
发布时间:2015-12-31 来源:

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