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YU Fei
发布时间:2011-11-02 来源:

YU Fei\
Title: Professor, Doctoral supervisor
Address: College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University
          Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China
Tel: +8629-87091935
Email: flyfeiyu@gmail.com
Education Background:
    2005-2009   Post-doc, Iowa State University
    2005  Ph.D., Iowa State University
    2000  M.Sc., Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
    1997  B.S.,  Nanjing University
Working Experiences:
    2009-present  College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University
Research Interests:
The laboratory takes the Arabidopsis thaliana as a model plant to investigate the regulation of plant growth and development-related gene function. We use a combination of molecular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, plant physiology and genomics to dissect the mechanisms. The focus of the study is the growth of plant chloroplast and the isolation, identification and function of some important crops’ genes related to their characters.
Selected Publications:
(1) Yu F*, Park S*, Liu X, Foudree A, Fu A, Powikrowska M, Khrouchtchova A, Jensen PE, Kriger JN, Gray GR, Rodermel SR. (2011). SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION4, a new var2 suppressor locus, encodes a pioneer protein that is required for chloroplast biogenesis. Molecular Plant 4, 229-240. (*Contribute to this paper equally)
(2) Liu X, Rodermel SR, Yu F. (2010). A var2 leaf variegation suppressor locus, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION3, encodes a putative chloroplast translation elongation factor that is important for chloroplast development in the cold. BMC Plant Biology 10, 287.
(3) Liu X*, Yu F*, Rodermel S. (2010). An Arabidopsis pentatricopeptide repeat protein, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION7, is required for FtsH-mediated chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Physiology 154, 1588-1601. (*Contribute to this paper equally)
(4) Liu X, Yu F, Rodermel S. (2010). Arabidopsis chloroplast FtsH, var2 and suppressors of var2 leaf variegation: a review. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 52, 750-761.
(5) Yu F, Liu X, Alsheikh M, Park S, Rodermel S. (2008). Mutations in SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION1, a factor required for normal chloroplast translation, suppress var2-mediated leaf variegation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20, 1786-1804.
(6) Varbanova M, Yamaguchi S, Yang Y, McKelvey K, Hanada A, Borochov R, Yu F, Jikumaru Y, Ross J, Cortes D, Ma CJ, Noel JP, Mander L, Shulaev V, Kamiya Y, Rodermel S, Weiss D, Pichersky E. (2007). Methylation of gibberellins by Arabidopsis GAMT1 and GAMT2. Plant Cell 19, 32-45.

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