WANG, Yangjie
Title: Lecturer
Address: Business School, Central South University, No.932 Lushan South Road, Changsha, Hunan
Tel: 0731-88877744
Education Background:
2010-2014 Ph.D., Agricultural Economics and Management, China Center for Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2008-2010 M.S., Agricultural Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, China
2004-2008 B.S., Land Management, Northwest A&F University, China
Working Experiences:
2014-present Lecturer, Business School, Central South University, China
Research Interests:
Environmental and development economics, land economics, agricultural economics, adaptation to climate change
Professional Activities:
2015-present Member, International Association of Agricultural Economics (IAAE)
The Selected Publications:
Jikun Huang, Yangjie Wang, and Jinxia Wang. 2015. Farmer’s Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events through Farm Management and Its Impacts on the Mean and Risk of Rice Yield in China. American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 97(2): 602–617.
Yangjie Wang, Jikun Huang, and Jinxia Wang. 2014. Household and Community Assets and Farmers’ Adaptation to Extreme Weather Event: the Case of Drought in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 13(4):687-697.
Yangjie Wang, Huanguang Qiu, and Xiaohong Chen. 2015. A review on the economic methodologies of impacts of climate change on agriculture. Chinese Rural Economy, (09): 2-10. (Chinese)