Edward R. Atwill
Title: Director and Professor
Address: Western Institute for Food Safety and Security (WIFSS), University of California Davis, Suite 101, 1477 Drew Ave, Davis,
CA 95618, USA
Tel: 001-530-754-2154
Email: ratwill@ucdavis.edu
Education Background:
1994 Ph.D., Section of Epidemiology, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, USA
1991 M.P.V.M., Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine,
University of California, Davis. Track: herd health & epidemiology, USA
1990 D.V.M., University of California, Davis. Track: food animal, USA
1985 B.A., University of California, San Diego, USA
Working Experiences:
2012-present Director, Veterinary Medicine Extension, University of California, Davis
2012-present Professor (100%), Department of Population Health and Reproduction (PHR), School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis
2009-present Director, WIFSS, University of California, Davis
2008-2012 Professor (50%), PHR, School of Veterinary Medicine and Cooperative Extension Specialist (50%), Veterinary Medicine Extension, University of California, Davis
2003-2008 Veterinarian (50%), PHR, School of Veterinary Medicine and Full Cooperative Extension Specialist (50%), Veterinary Medicine Extension, University of California, Davis.
Research Interests:
Epidemiology and medical ecology of waterborne zoonotic pathogens and preharvest food safety; biotic and abiotic processes governing fate and transport of zoonotic pathogens; beneficial management practices for pathogen mitigation in agricultural and natural systems;
sociobiological processes driving transmission of enteric pathogens within mammalian networks
Professional Activities:
Peer review of numerous scientific journals and governmental funding agencies
Member of various scientific technical committees for state and federal regulatory agencies