Title: Assistant Professor
Address: Sergeli-3-19-25, Tashkent, 100012, Uzbekistan
Tel: +99871 257 27 63
+99 897 445 25 72
Email: smqodirov@mail.ru, smqodirov@gmail.com
Education Background:
From 02/09/1998 to 15/07/2002 undergraduate student at National University of
Uzbekistan, Geographical Faculty
From 02/09/2002 to 10/07/2004 master student at National University of Uzbekistan, Geographical Faculty, Department of Hydrology
Working Experiences:
From 02/09/2017 until now assistant professor at Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, National Research University (main job) http://hm.tiiame.uz/en/page/ggg- kafedra%20xodimlari
From 08/09/2015 to 29/08/2017 master student of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program WACOMA (Water and coastal management), Cadiz University, Spain
From 02/09/2012 to 02/09/2015 assistant at Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, department of hydrology and hydrogeology
Research Interests:
Water Resources Management; Hydrological Modeling; Watershed Hydrology; Hydrologic and Water Resource Modeling and Simulation, Global climate change.
Professional Activities:
Teaching hydrology, climatology and hydrometrics for students of the second and third year, draw up annual, daily and weekly study programs, prepare lecture notes, presentations for each lesson and make up different types of questions for organization of final exams on hydrology and hydrometrics. Actively participate in all scientific meetings and conferences which are organized by administration of the institute