Title: PhD
Address: Xinong Road, 22, Yangling, 712100, China
Tel: +86 15129239647
Email: l.yu@nwafu.edu.cn
Education Background: Agricuture water management, water resources managemen
Education & Work
2022.06-now Associated Professor, College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering,
Northwest A&F University, China
2016.07−2022.01 PhD in water resources management
Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC),
University of Twente, the Netherlands.
Title of thesis: Coupled water-heat-carbon exchange processes in cold environments: Observation and numerical modeling.
2010.09−2016.06 PhD in agricultural soil and water engineering
College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering,
Northwest A&F University, China.
Title of thesis: Simulation of water and heat transfer in SPAC system for summer maize under conditions of different water supply.
2006.09−2010.06 Bachelor of Engineering
College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering,
Northwest A&F University, China.
Research Interests: water cycle of cold and arid regions