ZHU, Qiuan
Title: Dr.
Address: College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University
3 Taicheng Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 712100
Tel: +86-29-87080610
Email: zhuqa@nwsuaf.edu.cn
Education Background:
2005-2009 Ph.D., Geography,
Nanjing University, China
2002-2005 M.S., Geography, Nanjing University, China
1998-2002 B.S., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Hohai University, China
Working Experiences:
2011-present Associate Professor, College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University, China
2009-2011 Postdoc, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Research Interests:
Terrestrial ecosystem modelling, climate change, greenhouse gas emission, carbon and water coupling
Professional Activities:
2012-present Member of AGU and EGU