DU, Guangyuan
Title: Associate Professor
Address: College of Science, Northwest A&F University, Xinong Road 22, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 712100
Tel: +86-13679177350
Email: duguangyuan@aliyun.com
Education Background:
2006-2013 Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
2003-2006 M.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
2000-2004 B.S., Physics, Huazhong Normal University, Hubei, China
Working Experiences:
2015-present Associate Professor, College of Sciences, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
2008-2009 Visiting Scholar, Laboratory of Biophysics, Wageningen UR, the Netherlands
2006-2015 Lecturer, College of Sciences, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
2001-2006 Assistant Professor, College of Life Science, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
Research Interests:
Plant hydraulics: relationship of plant anatomy, hydraulic property and stress tolerance.
Soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC): dynamics of water long-distance transport through SPAC
Plant nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): plant water status, source sink relations based on NMR methods